Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Good books for May (or any day!)

As we gear up for May's National Foster Care Month, several of our resource family recruiters are encouraging local libraries to display books about foster care or adoption from foster care during May. (See some good resources for libraries here.)

If you are a bookworm, this would be a great way to get involved in Foster Care Month awareness efforts in your local community! We'd suggest getting in touch with the resource family recruiter near you to see if they're already planning something at your local library. If not, they would probably love your help!

You could also suggest your library do a story time with a foster care related book, highlight movies with foster care related themes or even display books or movies about famous former foster youth.

A new book you could suggest to your local library is Michael Oher's new memoir: I Beat The Odds: From Homelessness to The Blind Side and Beyond. The real life inspiration behind the film The Blind Side, Oher wrote the book partly in response to thousands of letters he received from youth in foster care.

Here's a clip of Oher sharing a little about why he wrote it:

We'd love to hear what books or films you'd suggest on the subject of foster care or adoption? Any favorites? You can see others' thoughts over on our Facebook page.


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